A simple story about the friendship of a boy with a dog. the story is set in a village in former jugoslavia, so you'll get a glimpse of what life in the village at that time was like. worth a watch.
该片是2019欧盟电影展所看的第19部电影。 摄制于与南斯拉夫《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》电影同一公映年代的儿童电影。 通过电影,原来为保护畜牧,南斯拉夫也有奖励捕猎狼的年代。
A simple story about the friendship of a boy with a dog. the story is set in a village in former jugoslavia, so you'll get a glimpse of what life in the village at that time was like. worth a watch.
该片是2019欧盟电影展所看的第19部电影。 摄制于与南斯拉夫《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》电影同一公映年代的儿童电影。 通过电影,原来为保护畜牧,南斯拉夫也有奖励捕猎狼的年代。
该片是2019欧盟电影展所看的第19部电影。 摄制于与南斯拉夫《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》电影同一公映年代的儿童电影。 通过电影,原来为保护畜牧,南斯拉夫也有奖励捕猎狼的年代。
A simple story about the friendship of a boy with a dog. the story is set in a village in former jugoslavia, so you'll get a glimpse of what life in the village at that time was like. worth a watch.