I think it should get a score higher than it is on the Douban. The beginning of the story is a little bit cliché but it gets better. The killers are stupid but that’s the loophole they can use to get out of the hotel. And it’s reasonable since there are only making tapes out of victims to get money
拍得还是挺惊悚的 但有2个不符合情理的地方 1罪犯为什么要把苹果拿过来 2为什么要在房间电视上放录像带 3为什么罪犯不能破窗而入?
Kate's beauty worths all the credits
I think it should get a score higher than it is on the Douban. The beginning of the story is a little bit cliché but it gets better. The killers are stupid but that’s the loophole they can use to get out of the hotel. And it’s reasonable since there are only making tapes out of victims to get money
拍得还是挺惊悚的 但有2个不符合情理的地方 1罪犯为什么要把苹果拿过来 2为什么要在房间电视上放录像带 3为什么罪犯不能破窗而入?
Kate's beauty worths all the credits
I think it should get a score higher than it is on the Douban. The beginning of the story is a little bit cliché but it gets better. The killers are stupid but that’s the loophole they can use to get out of the hotel. And it’s reasonable since there are only making tapes out of victims to get money
Kate's beauty worths all the credits
拍得还是挺惊悚的 但有2个不符合情理的地方 1罪犯为什么要把苹果拿过来 2为什么要在房间电视上放录像带 3为什么罪犯不能破窗而入?