猫眼电影 > Leftovers



They stink. They look like hell. They wander freely through the neighborhood with no regard for personal boundaries or property lines. And now, the last straw: the U.S. Government has passed the Post-Life Entitlement Act, which allows the zombies - or "Pedestrians" as they are properly called - special privileges due to their handicap. Frank is outraged over the new law, but his wife Amber is a firm supporter of pedestrian rights. One day, their kids leave the screen door open and a pedestrian gets in and tears the kitchen apart. Amber manages to get it out, but now the pedestrian won't leave the property. Amber is about to lose her mind. Now, Frank must find a way to get rid of it without breaking any laws. This is far easier said than done, but he's determined to try anything. But the kids see the pedestrians in an entirely different light - and they have other plans.

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