猫眼电影 > 地球:操作手册——美国能源的探索


Earth: The Operators' Manual - Energy Quest USA

Earth: The Operator’s Manual Episode 3 – Energy Quest USA The military is the United States’s single largest user of energy and it recognizes that its use of fossil fuels has to change. Just im agine: the Pentagon uses over 300,000 barrels of oil each day. Both the Army and the Marines are looking into how to decrease the number of convoys trucking in fuel and water. By 2016, the Navy plans to have what it calls a “great green fleet” which is a complete carrier group running on renewable fuels. The goal is to cut usage of fossil fuels by 50% by the year 2020. Today’s technology has made a start towards this end and the nations of the world are joining hands in an effort to save our planet.

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