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We Are Moluccans
2014-06-17印度尼西亚上映 / 150分钟

改編自印尼前足球員SaniATawainela的真實故事,拍成電影源於導演Anggaa2007年到印尼安汶拍攝有關當地教派衝突的紀錄片,期間他租了一輛電單車的士,司機正是本片的主角 Sani。Sani少年時曾是印尼國家隊青年軍,1996年更代表印尼參加學生亞洲盃,2000年初他目睹一名小童在武裝衝突中鎗。隨後他返回家鄉以電單車的士司機維生,看到馬魯古省內的宗教衝突越來越多兒童牽涉其中。於是他與另一前足球員Hari創立一 間足球學校吸納當地兒童參加,希望轉移兒童的精力在足球上。導演Angga那次安汶之行改變了他對事物的看法,因此很希望將故事拍成電影。由於牽涉敏感議題,一度找不到投資,最後找到歌手Glenn Fredly協助才能圓夢。本片在印尼獲最佳電影,男主角Chicco亦憑此片奪最佳男主角。 While filming a documentary in Ambon, Maluku, about the sectarian conflict between Muslims and Christians that gripped the region from 1999 to 2004, Angga Dwimas Sasongko met a Muslim driver who coached football in his village to protect the children from violence. Deeply affected by his story, the director was inspired to make this moving film about how football united a divided people. After witnessing a young boy’s death, Sani Tawainella (Chicco Jericho) decides to organize football practices to keep the children of his village from getting involved in the conflict. Sani’s team is later selected to represent Maluku in the national competition, but his inclusion of two Christian players leads to discord within the team.

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