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El regreso

2013委内瑞拉上映 / 107分钟

一个准军事部队打破了居住在阿尔塔·瓜希拉·哥伦比亚省拜亚·珀尔特村庄瓦余部落居民的宁静。在惊恐和血腥中,女人们冒着生命危险掩护自己的孩子逃亡。舒立瓦拉,一个年仅10岁的女孩逃亡至一个边境小城。对于她来说,这是一个完全陌生的外国城市,她必须想方设法维持自己的生活,而不丧失对回家的希望。 A paramilitary armed group broke the quiet of the Wayuu community living in Portete Bay, Colombian Alta Guajira. Amidst the horror and blood, women risk their lives to help their children to escape. Shuliwala, a girl of just 10 years, manages to escape and flees to a border town. But that is a totally foreign territory unknown to her culture and must find a way to survive and not to lose hope of returning home.

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