猫眼电影 > The Trouble with Rain
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The Trouble with Rain


Francis (Miller) Collins just misses his train to Memphis one stormy night. While waiting on the next train he meets three strangers - Eric, Constance and Violet. Will these four young professionals become friends, lovers; or will they simply go their separate ways and never see each other again? Like Schrodinger's Cat, all of the possible outcomes of this chance encounter are equally real, but only one will come to pass. Or will it? The story line is non-linear, moving back and forth in time over a six year period. These four strangers who meet by happenstance at a train station, are 'called back' to the train station to relive that initial meeting, where slightly different actions result in sometimes drastically altered futures. The decisions they make, the words they speak and the actions they take during this initial meeting dictate how their future relationships play out. The 'moral of the story' (if you will) is that all of our actions, even the smallest, have consequences - for...

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