猫眼电影 > 贪婪杀手


纪录片 / 短片
2013-10-04英国上映 / 44分钟

这是一个关于连环杀手的真实故事。在1975年到1982年期间谋杀了5名女性的Joachim Knychala,将大众的注意力集中在那些臭名昭著的“来自Bytom的吸血鬼”身上。其中有一名前记者爱德华·科扎克,尽管已经年老,但他承认自己有各种各样的强迫症。这部关于“吸血鬼”的电影让他有机会再一次站在聚光灯下。 Does gloomy fascination that surrounds serial killers tell us something important about ourselves? The figure of Joachim Knychala, who murdered five women between 1975 and 1982, is used to focus our attention on those whose lives were marked by the infamous 'vampire from Bytom'. Among them there is a former journalist, Edward Kozak, who, despite his old age, admits he has a variety of obsessions. The film about the 'vampire' offers him an opportunity to enter the limelight one more time.

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