猫眼电影 > Where I Go
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Where I Go

剧情 / 纪录片 / 历史
2014-11-02越南上映 / 56分钟

少年派迪卡是柬埔寨和喀麥隆的混血兒。1992年赤柬垮台後,柬埔寨迎來第一次民主選舉,聯合國組成多國聯合政府進駐柬埔寨,派迪卡是此波戰後嬰兒潮縮影代表。母親離家多年,來自喀麥隆的父親只是一張相片的存在,格格不入的外表使他在孤兒院備受歧視,無處可歸。派迪卡試著尋找自己的父母,等待他的卻是殘酷荒謬的現實人生,世界如此寬廣,下一步往哪裡去...? 柬埔寨新銳導演Neang Kavich首部紀錄作品,以簡潔而充滿張力的紀實影像,透過少年純真的眼光與際遇,窺見柬埔寨戰後內在的暴力與矛盾。 The story of San Pattica, a high school age student who was born to a Cameroonian father and Cambodian mother, and his struggles with his mixed race identity. His mother left him to be raised by his grandmother; his father left Cambodia after finishing his term as a United Nations Peacekeeper in the early 1990s. Eventually Pattica winds up being sent to an orphanage. Pattica discovers that he has a half-sister, Pattina, the daughter of his mother and a man from Ghana. Being half-black and half Cambodian, Pattica and Pattina grapple with the racism they encounter. Meanwhile, Pattica tries to track down his father. ★2013 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展

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