猫眼电影 > 迷城


Vanishing Woman
2012-09-15中国大陆上映 / 32分钟

渐渐消失的点是在一条拥堵的主干道尽头,这条路上糊满了色彩鲜艳的泰国选举海报。它沿着远离钢筋森林的方向一直通往一座海边的乡村小屋,那里有轻抚沙滩的海浪。在一辆朝路的尽头行进的人力车上坐着一个胖女人,她正陶醉于四周快速掠过的景物。一路上她只是偶尔才和司机说说话,要不就是在休息时为猴子吃玉米粒。然而从另一方面看,一切似乎都乱了套。谜团整慢慢浮出水面,一出好戏正在暗中上演。 The vanishing point is at the end of a congested main road. The road is plastered with Thai election posters in glaring colours, and it leads away from the concrete jungle through the suburbs out to a house by the sea, where the waves come flowing in over the beach. In a rickshaw headed for the end of the road, a fat woman is sitting and taking in the surrounding sights which quickly move past her. She exchanges only a few words with the driver en route, and feeds a few small monkeys with corncobs during a break. In other words, things are not as they should be: The mysteries are revealing themselves on the surface and an invisible drama is taking place offscreen. 2011丹麦哥本哈根国际纪录片电影节工作坊项目 / DOX:LAB 2011, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, 2011. 加斯帕是丹麦当代最具影响力的艺术家之一,他在国际上的名声甚至可能比在他家乡还要大。伦敦泰特现代美术馆、纽约古根海姆博物馆、马尔默艺术博物馆都展出过加斯帕的摄影摄像作品,但这些博物馆仅仅是冰山一角。除开个人展览,他还在柏林SparwasserHQ、布鲁克林艺术博物馆、迈阿密棕榈滩当代艺术学院和里斯本现代艺术中心等地参与过许多其他的展览,展出自己的作品。2003年,加斯帕毕业于位于哥本哈根的丹麦皇家艺术学院,除了艺术电影,他还拍摄过MV。 Jesper is one of the most established Danish contemporary artists and is perhaps even better known abroad that in his homeland. Tate Modern in London, Guggenheim Museum in New York and Malmö Art Museum are just some of the places where Jesper’s art of photography and video has been shown. Apart from his solo exhibitions, he has participated in several others and exhibited his works in SparwasserHQ in Berlin, Brooklyn Art Museum, Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art in Miami and Centro de Arte Moderna in Lisbon. He graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen in 2003, and apart from his art films, Jesper has also directed music videos. 巫鲁朋·拉萨撒德的最新力作《人间乐土》(2009)受到了鹿特丹休伯特巴尔基金会的大力支持,还赢得了2009年联合国教科文组织奖。随着他的短片The March of Time (2000)在国内数个电影节上映,巫鲁朋也完成了他在泰国国立法政大学新闻学和大众传播学的学习。随后,他拍摄了《北方的故事》(2006)。这部电影成功地在威尼斯电影节、多伦多电影节、鹿特丹电影节等上放映。2007年,他的短片《火箭》(2007)在鹿特丹电影节短片竞赛单元斩获金虎奖。同年,他的另一部短片《行星》(2007)也在全球范围内上映。巫鲁朋作品成功的关键在于泰国电影产业的独立性。他的草根电影制作都聚焦于他家乡那些淳朴的生活和美丽的自然风光。他的家乡是位于泰国北部的清莱。 His latest film 'Agrarian Utopia' (2009) was supported by the Hubert Bals Fund of Rotterdam IFF and won the UNESCO Award, the same year. Uruphongs finished his studies at Thammasat University in Journalism and Mass Communication with the short film 'The March of Time' (2000) screened at several national film festivals. Subsequently he has made films as the feature 'Stories From The North' (2006) – screened at Venice-, Torino's - as well as Rotterdam Film Festival to name a few. His short film 'The Rocket' (2007) gained a Tiger Award at the Short Film Competition during Rotterdam Film Festival the same year along side with international screenings of his other short film 'The Planet' (2007). A key point in Uruphong’s films is the independence of the film industry in Thailand for his grassroots filmmaking focusing on life and nature in his home country Chiand Rai in the North of Thailand.

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