猫眼电影 > 三封短笺


Three Notes
2006德国上映 / 4分钟

残留的这20张照片是我童年家园唯一的见证——那个几乎被遗忘家园的见证。凝视这些影像,我感到他们并不是我生命的一部分,而似乎另有所属…… Twenty pictures have remained as the only evidence of my early childhood's home - evidence of an almost forgotten home. When I look at these images I have the feeling that they are not part of my life, as if they belonged to someone else... 最佳贡献奖,德国竞赛单元,2007年德国奥博豪森国际短片电影节 / The Best Contribution to the German Competition, ex aequo, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 2007. 珍妮特·高斯,于1973年出生在阿富汗喀布尔。她居住过的城市有喀布尔,德里和柏林。她是一位视觉艺术设计者和策展人。 其曾入选奥博豪森短片节的作品有:《升起与坠落》(2005);《桌舞》(2006)。 Jeanette Gaussi , born 1973 in Kabul, Afghanistan. She has been living in Kabul, Delhi and Berlin. She is a visual arts designer and curator. Selected works: 2005 Up and Down; 2006 Table Dance.

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