猫眼电影 > 机会之诗


Poetry of Chance
2012-04-29德国上映 / 14分钟

发生了什么?他为什么消失了?他去了哪里?卡尔又是谁?通过13个视角,重述一个人的一生。直面一个人生悲剧。 What happened? Why did he disappear? And where? And who is Carl anyway? A reconstruction of a life told from 13 point of views. A confrontation with a personal tragedy. 德国竞赛单元,2012奥伯豪森国际短片电影节 / German Competition, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 2012. 丹尼尔·朗,1977年出生,波茨坦电影与电视大学电影研究专业毕业。目前他生活在茂瑙。 其曾入围奥博豪森短片节的作品有:Coco Ocean Emperor(2008); L. Steht für Liebe(2010); Gitti Bader(2011). Daniel Lang, born 1977, film studies at the Film and Television University Potsdam. He is currently living in Murnau. Selected films: 2008 Coco Ocean Emperor; 2010 L. Steht für Liebe; 2011 Gitti Bader.

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