猫眼电影 > 泥中有我


2009-03-26中国大陆上映 / 43分钟

中国海南黎族至今仍保留着6000年前新石器时期的原始制陶术,这是一块人类文明的“活化石”。本片以中国国家级非物质文化传承人-85岁的陶工羊拜亮的生命史为线索展开叙述, 打开了一条通往远古制陶技艺的通道,让那业已消散的早期人类生活的气息得以重现。同时,从脆弱的传承现状中透视出这项古老技艺在与工业文明的交错融合中逐渐失落的态势。 The Li minority in southern China’s Hainan province has kept alive their pottery tradition originating from the Neolithic Age 6,000 years ago. The technique is a living fossil of human civilization. This film displays ancient pottery making skills through the unfolding life stories of Yang Bailiang, an 85-year-old potter and the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in China. Many human activities, though apparently losta long time ago, survive through the efforts and determination of people, often in remote cultures.., This inheritance is vulnerable.. The record of the technique presented in the film, reveals that the age-old pottery technique has been gradually lost during its interaction with industrial civilization.

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