猫眼电影 > 匿名游戏


喜剧 / 悬疑 / 短片
2008-06-16中国台湾上映 / 26分钟
IMDb 7.5

完全不懂BBS的菜鸟,对乱象冷漠的老手,一丝不苟的前版主,调侃挖苦的毒舌份子,愤世嫉俗的宅男,状况外的网络美少女,在这混乱和疯狂的夜晚,六位截然不同的使用者之间的关系起了微妙的变化。随着攻击预告时间的逼近,关于秩序,信任,身份,规范和理智的一切,都随着逐渐没入于新世代的混沌之中。The story is about an internet forum called “BDD Forum System” which is threatened to be destroyed by a hacker named “Intoxicant”. While every user in the forum is wondering what kind of disaster will “Intoxicant” bring, 6 different users start suspecting each other. When the countdown to annihilation starts, the chaos between identity and trust begins to grow.世新大学广播电视电影学系电影组毕业,现就读於世新大学广电所。擅长以诡谲多变的实验风格经营各种写实却又荒谬的幽默感,加上他本身对於网路,线上游戏的深入观察与热爱,虽年纪轻轻但已获得包含金钟奖最佳导演等数项大奖肯定,是目前台湾地区极具潜力的新锐导演之一 。Born and raised in Taipei, 1981, John Hsu is currently studying in the MFA class for Filmmaking in Shih Hsin University.Always interested in subjects like the virtual reality, digital culture, and video games, John Hsu won the “Best Director Award” at Golden Bell Award 2005 (the biggest television award in Taiwan similar to the Emmy) with his TV movie debut “Real Online”, which is about online computer game players. He was a member of Berlinale Talent Campus 2007.世新大学出资支持,世新广电系硕士班研究生徐汉强担任导演,集合大学生与电影专业人士首次摄制35釐米底片短片作品《匿名游戏INTOXICANT》,今天下午5点半在世新大学首映。徐汉强表示,《匿名游戏》想呈现在网路世界无法确认真实性,在匿名包装下,人们不需要负责,发展出许多疯狂的言论与争议。片子没有太多特效,靠著美术与场景,打造出虚拟世界的模样。

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