猫眼电影 > The Flying Twins
The Flying Twins海报封面图

The Flying Twins


A wealthy manufacturer has two twin daughters. As a companion they have their cousin, a country girl, who makes the acquaintance of a vaudeville acrobat. When this undesirable relationship is discovered and broken by the manufacturer, the country girl meets and marries a young clerk, and the twins are sent to their Aunt Sally in the country while their father and mother are away on a trip. When a circus comes to the little town, they are much attracted by its tinsel display. The acrobat the girls met with their country cousin is now with the circus. He and his wife discover the girls and persuade them to join the circus. They become clever performers, and the acrobat rejoices in the distress their disappearance has occasioned their father, the manufacturer, who broke up his friendship with the little country girl. His hatred leads the acrobat into mailing a taunting, anonymous letter to the manufacturer.

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