猫眼电影 > 庇护恐怖


Asylum of Terror

很多年前一所精神病院的一场大火烧死了里面所有的病人,这些被烧死的病人中包括一名猥亵和杀害儿童的疯子。几十年后,一家公司在这家 精神病院的原址上建起了一个游乐园。那个疯子休眠的鬼魂此时从坟墓里苏醒,回到了他死的地方。 Years ago a fire killed every patient at an old mental asylum, including a maniac who molested and murdered children. Decades later a company builds an amusement park over the old asylum, and the long dormant ghost of the maniac rises from his grave to pick up where he left off.

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