"The Newlywed Game" is among the most enduring game shows of the genre. This 1985 five-day-a-week syndicated revival of the classic game show, again hosted by Eubanks, sported a new set, but with no other notable changes. The rules remained the same as in previous versions four couples, each married less than two years, answered a series of questions designed to expose how well the spouses knew (or didn't know) each other. The husbands were asked a series of questions while their wives were secluded offstage. The wives returned and answered the same questions; matches were worth 5 points each. As before, incorrect answers usually led to full-scale fights and verbal assaults (with Eubanks and the audience not making things any easier). The process was repeated with the wives answering the questions and the husbands herded offstage; questions were now worth 10 points. A final bonus question (usually general, first posed to the wives) was worth 25 points.
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