猫眼电影 > Abdullah


剧情 / 动作 / 家庭
1980-09-26印度上映 / 136分钟

Abdullah is a devout Muslim who lives in a small hut the middle of a desert in Persia, and looks after a well so that it provides water to thirsty travelers. One day a friend, Ameer, informs him that bandit Khaleel had raided a settlement nearby, killing everyone except for Yashoda, a pregnant woman. Shortly thereafter, Ameer himself is killed, a mortally wounded Yashoda gives birth to a boy, names him Krishna, asks Abdullah to care for him, and passes away. Abdullah overcomes his fears of bringing up a Hindu boy, and looks after Krishna as his own. Then Khaleel's Magician informs him that he is going to die at the hands of Krishna, just as Bhagwan Shri Krishna was known to have slain Kans, his maternal uncle, so also will Khaleel's life end at this Krishna's hands. Angered at this, Khaleel sets out to kill Krishna. He attacks Abdullah, abducts Krishna and readies him for a sacrifice, that will get rid of any threat against him.

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