猫眼电影 > 大胖考2011


2011-01-03英国上映 / 100分钟
IMDb 7.8

The 2010 show was recorded on 13 December and aired on 3 January 2011. The teams were: Wagner: Jonathan Ross and Ruth Jones Posh & Specs: Michael McIntyre and Alan Carr The Electric Moccasins: Richard Ayoade and Noel Fielding Guest questions were provided by Nicole Scherzinger, Jack Black, Simon Pegg, Russell Brand, Seth Rogen, the cast of Misfits and Will Ferrell. The children of Mitchell Brook Primary School made their annual appearance acting out news stories, which included the Stig scandal and the Icelandic volcano eruption, as did Jon Snow with his fake news reports of popular songs. Lola, the cat put in a wheelie bin in August by Mary Bale appeared as a Mystery Guest. Louie Spence posed a question in the form of a dance routine representing the story of the trapped Chilean miners. The final scores were: Ross and Jones - 28 McIntyre and Carr - 25 Ayoade and Fielding - 12


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