猫眼电影 > 私人编年史。独白。


Частные хроники. Монолог.
1999俄罗斯上映 / 91分钟
IMDb 7.2

Perhaps the most unexpected movie new Russian cinema. Perhaps because in the first place, it shows no possibility of actual contemporary Russian cinema, and the possibility of synthesis of modern Russian culture - literature, the avant-garde music, pop, generation of ideology, cultural analysis, but at the heart of all there is the cinema. That is why the "Private Chronicles. Monologue." most convincingly demonstrated that the road, which is perhaps the most promising for the Russian cinema. Whether we like or not, the Russian cinema is fully and finally exhausted its possibilities. It's time to forget about the complexes and ambitions. Only the fusion can take movies from the crisis. Only a synthesis can return the cinema audience and the audience - to return the full movie. In "Private chronicles" there is no professionally filmed frame. It created the entire Soviet people, kinolyubitelyami withdrawing modest family chronicles, not intended for any audience other than themselves. And in that sense, "Private Chronicles. Monologue." - the first in the history of Russian cinema "national" film, in the sense that it was created by the people.

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