猫眼电影 > Trail to Mexico
Trail to Mexico海报封面图

Trail to Mexico

1946-06-29美国上映 / 56分钟

Foiled in an attempted holdup of a shipment of gold ore driven by "Lasses" White (Lee `Lasses` White), the Texas Kid (Buster Slaven) forces Jimmy Wakely (Jimmy Wakely) to change shirts and horses. The Kid finds a letter of introduction which will put Jimmy in charge of gold shipments for mine owner Don Roberto Lopez (Julian Rivero). During the robbery of the mining office payroll, the Kid kills a man and drops the letter. Jimmy is arrested but freed when saloon owner Bart Thomas (Terry Frost), thinking he is the Kid, identifies him as Jimmy Jones. Jimmy joins Bart`s gang, so he will be in position to learn who the man behind the gang is and stop the robberies. He foils a payroll holdup by Bart and Montana, and later tells Bart that he had to because he was with Chinita Lopez (Dolores Castelli`) and her guardian Dolores (Dora Del Rio) when they all saw the robbery.


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