猫眼电影 > Smiling Along
Smiling Along海报封面图

Smiling Along

喜剧 / 歌舞
1938-12英国上映 / 83分钟

A troupe of traveling entertainers, discovering that their manager, Bill Sneed, is swindling them, form their own company, headed by Gracie Gary. Offered a season's concession at Brightbourne, they are unable to accept because they haven't the necessary deposit. A stray wire-haired terrier wanders in and Gracie collects a reward from its owner, Rene Sigani, world-famous pianist. She uses the money to buy an old bus and the troupe sets out to tour the countryside. Sigani, who has fallen in love with a dancer in the troupe, Avis, goes with them. They raise the deposit money needed playing one-night stands, but arrive at Brightbourne and find Sneed ahead of them. Sigani decides to play with the troupe, thereby ensuring its success.

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