猫眼电影 > The Veiled Marriage
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The Veiled Marriage


Drinking pals Fred Peyton and John Browning are both members of high society. Upon meeting impoverished Margaret Fallon, Peyton is so impressed with her beauty that he becomes a frequent visitor at the Fallon house. One evening, while returning from dinner, an explosion overturns their automobile and Margaret is temporarily blinded. Meanwhile, Browning has become engaged to a wealthy woman whom Peyton covets for her wealth and Margaret's blindness provides the opportunity for him to obtain this prize. Stealing his friend's wedding license, Peyton substitutes Margaret's name for that of Browning's intended bride and after intoxicating his friend, Peyton sends for Margaret and marries her to Browning. The next day, Peyton lies to his friend that he had drunkenly insisted upon the marriage. Later, when Margaret's eyesight is restored and she is seeking employment, she meets Browning and the two fall in love, unaware that they are husband and wife.

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