猫眼电影 > Chub Chaser
Chub Chaser海报封面图

Chub Chaser

2010-01-15菲律宾上映 / 70分钟

Chubi used to be stocky and sexy but today he has a forty inch waistline. He has not dated for four years now and he feels that it is time for him to try to fall in love again. When he agrees to meet up with a long lost old flame, he is humiliated because of his new extra large body. So Chubi decides to set aside his search for love and goes into sexy eyeballs through people he meets on the net. The problem is he uses a fake photo to lure them into his lair. Most of the time, the victims, who are often disappointed when they personally meet Chubi, stay for quick sex and then leave him humiliated again and again. Until one final blow Chubi`s ego brings him back to his senses, and finally, finds true love.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900