猫眼电影 > 购得的梦想


Der gekaufte Traum
1977-07-26柏林国际电影节新电影论坛上映 / 79分钟

一部关于一个家庭生活在柏林的马尔基什-维尔特尔定居点的电影,通过一个无产阶级家庭可以想象的独特合作,通过小组内部的多次讨论,以及几年来用麦克风和摄像机的连续观察,试图发现为什么在业余学校和收容所工作的工人阶级儿童后来只找到临时工作是可能的。时间。这部电影展示了家庭劳动的环境是如何由社会政治行为模式造成的,因此不能仅仅被视为个人问题。这个家庭所经历的是许多人的日常经历,这表明了弱势群体一代又一代受到的必然性和紧迫压力。只有通过消费才能满足的梦想才是唯一的逃避;那些作为愿景或希望而存在的梦想和需求依然存在。现实挡住了这些梦想的道路。尽管有着专业和个人的负担,但电影家庭永不停息的耐心和持续不断的合作意愿是值得高度赞扬的。 A film about the situation of a family living in the Märkische Viertel settlement in Berlin, the attempt to discover why children of the working class who spent time i n part-time schools and asylums later find only temporary work was made possible through the conceivably unique cooperation of a proletarian family and through many discussions within the group as well as continuous observation with microphone and camera over several years' time. The film shows how the circumstances under which the family labors are caused by socio-political behavior patterns and therefore not to be seen only as individual problems. What this family experiences is the every day experience of many, and this shows the inevitability as well as the immediate pressures to which the underpriveleged are subject from generation to generation. Dreams which can be satisfied by consumption offer the only escape; those dreams and needs which exist as vision or hope remain. Reality blocks the path of these dreams. The never-ending patience as well as the continuing readiness of the film-family to cooperate despite the professional and personal burden cannot be commended highly enough.

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