猫眼电影 > 周六夜现场


"Saturday Night Live" Carrie Fisher/The Blues Brothers
喜剧 / 音乐
1978-11-18美国上映 / 90分钟

The host for the episode is Carrie Fisher, and the musical guest is The Blues Brothers (their third appearance). The skits for this episode are as follows: During her opening monologue, Carrie Fisher is instructed by Obi-Wan to tell a joke about aliens that completely bombs. Princess Leia arrives on Earth and joins a beach party with Frankie and Annette. Two boys show up for their dates with the Loud family sisters, only to be taken aback at how loud everyone speaks. Two orderlies take it upon themselves to release a dying patient from her misery, but get the wrong bed by mistake. During the Weekend Update, Jane Curtain reports on an archaeological find in Egypt, McDonald's hamburgers and Sambo's restaurants, Bill Murray reports on Neil Armstrong, Vietnamese refugees and the death of Jimmy Hoffa, Father Guido Sarducci answers allegations that the Vatican Bank is becoming a tax haven, and Roseanne Roseannadanna rants about smoking and naked people in health clubs. Mr. Bill goes fishing with Mr. Hands but ends up getting speared with hooks and eaten by a dolphin. At a waterfront dive in Marseilles, while the other bar girls try to get the sailors to buy expensive drinks, one gets them to sign up for insurance policies. The Blues Brothers perform Soul Man, Got Everything I Need, Almost and B Movie Boxcar Blues.

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