在俄羅斯的苔原上,伊凡和爺爺奶奶生活在一起。伊凡的爺爺也叫伊凡,大小伊凡做什麼總是形影不離,放牧馴鹿、河邊釣魚、撿拾木柴。可是小伊凡五歲了,該去上學了。奶奶為他準備好書包,裡面還有筆和筆記本。一早,車子來接他去學校,爺爺好捨不得…。原來世界的另一邊,還有像伊凡這樣的小孩,過著和我們截然不同的生活。 Present-day Russia of the Magadan region, Marfa and Ivan are raising their grandson little Ivan to live off the land. Ivan and Ivan do everything together, herding reindeer, fishing and looking out onto the arctic tundra. Ivan junior is a happy five-year-old boy. Elder Ivan loves having his grandson close-by, learning and maintaining the Evens traditional culture and language. But it’s time… young Ivan must leave all that is dear to him.
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