猫眼电影 > Revelations

Magda, the daughter of Colonel Schwartz, a retired army officer, runs away from her home in Germany, and goes to Paris, hoping to gain fame as an opera singer. Her leave taking breaks her father's heart and brings on a stroke of paralysis, which almost results in his death. After months of careful nursing, he partially recovers, and thereafter, forbids even the mention of Magda's name in his presence. In Paris the years pass, and Magda failing to realize her ambitions, is reduced to abject poverty, and finally, rather than sell her honor, becomes a common beggar of the streets. Then, one day, penniless and starving, she enters a Bohemian café, in the Latin Quartier and sings for the price of a meal. Here she is seen and recognized by an old friend of her childhood days, Karl Von Kellar, who has come to Paris to study law. Learning the pathetic story of Magda's struggles and failure, he takes her to his apartment, and in the course of events she becomes his mistress.

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