猫眼电影 > 永不凋谢的红花


电视剧 / 传记 / 历史
1979-07-01上海开播 / 45分钟

上海电视台录制.描写革命烈士张志新的事迹.黄允编剧,李莉导演.故事梗概为:文革中的一个7月1日,一个女犯人,拿着一朵用手纸做的、用门上刮下来的红漆染的红花,在庄严地纪念党的生日.她就是张志新.由于她真诚、大胆地表达自己对人生、对政治的见解,而被关押、审讯、判刑.为了坚持真理,她被迫抛下一双儿女,被迫离婚,被迫离开年迈的双亲.她有过火热的大学时光,但因为她反对“四人帮”,被送押起来.因为不屈、被关押在站不直,睡不平的牢笼中,但她宁折不弯,自己作词、作曲、并自己高歌《谁之罪》。“四人帮”的爪牙,怕她在押往刑场时呼喊,行刑前将她的喉管割断,使她再也不能发声,但她眼里却充满了痛苦和愤怒.随着枪声,英雄倒在了血泊中,那朵红花却在人民心中永不凋谢.该剧歌颂张志新烈士为真理而献身的精神,深刻地揭露了“四人帮”的罪恶.该剧播出后,受到广大人民的一致欢迎. Shanghai TV recording. Describing the deeds of revolutionary martyr Zhang Zhixin. Wong screenwriter, director, Li. Synopsis as follows: during the Cultural Revolution in aJuly1, a female prisoner, holding a used toilet paper to do, scraped off with the doorThe redpaint dyed red flowers, in the solemn commemoration of the birthday party. She is Zhang Zhixin. because she is sincere and boldly express their life, political views, but was detained, interrogated and sentenced. in order to uphold the truth, she was forced to leave her son and daughter, was forced to divorce, was forced to leave their elderly parents. She had a fiery university time, but because she was against “the Gang of Four“, was taken to charge up. because of unyielding, was detained at the station is not straight, sleeping uneven of the cage, but she was rather break than bend his own lyricist, composer, and his singing “Who's crimes.“ “Gang of four“ henchmen, fearing she was remanded in custody when the cries of execution, execution of her pipes before the cut, so that she can no longer audible, but her eyes are filled with pain and anger. With guns, heroes fell to the a pool of blood, but in the hearts of the people Naduo red flowers never fade. drama praise Zhang Zhixin martyrs have sacrificed their lives for the truth andthe spiritof profound revelation of the “gang of four“ evil. the play was broadcast, was unanimously welcomed by the majority of the people .

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