猫眼电影 > 图书管理员 第三季
图书管理员 第三季海报封面图

图书管理员 第三季

The Librarians Season 3
电视剧 / 喜剧
2010-10-13澳大利亚开播 / 30分钟

Frances is devastated when she learns that her mother, Pearl, suffering from both dementia and a really horrible personality, needs full time care. But to make matters worse, a government bureaucrat Xavier Fisher rules that public libraries are to turn a profit or face closure. With a million dollars to raise, Frances appoints Dawn to head up the fundraising campaign. But getting the rest of the Middleton Interactive Learning Centre staff motivated isn't easy. Matthew is pursuing a book deal; Nada is fighting off advances from her ex-husband Hasan, Neil has a new girlfriend Jane, and Ky is busy planning his wedding day. On the home front, Terry tells Frances he's reforming his 80s tribute band Oils Ain't Oils. If that's not enough to send Frances over the edge, she learns that her detestable mum Pearl has run up an unimaginable debt and ends up on the O'Brien's doorstep.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900