猫眼电影 > 排毒妙法 第一季
排毒妙法 第一季海报封面图

排毒妙法 第一季

Detox! Season 1

In the pressure-cooker world of the commercial kitchen, celebrity chef Bobby Chinn juggles the demands of business and fame 24/7. Over-worked and over-stressed, he’s seeking to recharge his batteries, centre his chi and give his health some long overdue TLC. Bobby’s heritage and his passion for food have naturally led him to the one country that’s spent more than three and half thousand years refining philosophies of well-being based on herbal and dietary therapies – China. Using his vast culinary knowledge as the launch pad for his investigations, Bobby’s embarking on an authentic journey from China’s southern border province of Yunnan to Xinjiang on China’s westernmost frontier to discover exactly what the Chinese nation knows about a healthy mind, body and spirit that the rest of the world seem to be missing out on.


影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900