猫眼电影 > 喜剧对抗赛 第八季
喜剧对抗赛 第八季海报封面图

喜剧对抗赛 第八季

A League Of Their Own Season 8
电视剧 / 喜剧
2014-08-29英国开播 / 45分钟

The show is a standard panel quiz show where two teams of three, the Red and Blue teams compete for points awarded in three rounds, to find the overall winning team by points total.[4] Round 1 involves both teams having to rank three different sportspersons according to a specific criterion.[4] Round 2, Guest List, involves both teams having to guess the answers given by a sportsperson about his or her sport.[4] Round 3, Human Clock, sees two members of each team have to answer questions for as long as the third team member can sustain a physical challenge in the studio.[4] The general format has remained the same but with some variations in more recent series. Series 5 featured the “Visa Sprint Challenge“ to celebrate the upcoming Olympics. If the studio guest was an active professional athlete there was usually an additional physical challenge or game based on his or her sport.

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