猫眼电影 > 浮花


Girl in the Water
剧情 / 短片
2011-11丹麦上映 / 19分钟

这部短片讲述了一个名叫布恩的泰国女人的故事。布恩和她的丈夫孩子流亡到马来西亚找工作,在他们去往马来西亚的航程中发生了意外,幸而布恩成功地解决了这些意外大家才得以到达目的地。到达之后,她住在海边的小屋里,找到一份为中国的精奇建筑——鸟巢作拼装员的工作,开始了焕然一新的生活。一天,布恩在海滩上捡到了一个婴儿,就把他带回家,视如己出。然而不久后,这却将她的生活逼到了幸福的顶点,之后布恩又将回到她原本的生活轨迹,同样的生活又周而复始。 This short fiction film is about a Thai woman, Fern, who comes with her husband and child to Malaysia as a refugee in search of work. Something happens during their journey by sea, and only Fern makes it to the final destination. She starts a new life, living in a house by the sea and working as a collector of a rare Chinese delicacy- bird's nest. One day Fern finds a baby by the beach, and takes it as her own. Soon, this action culminates into a climax that will take Fern back to her own cycle of life, and 'rebirth' of sorts. 2011丹麦哥本哈根国际纪录片电影节工作坊项目 / DOX:LAB 2011, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, 2011. 2012丹麦电影学院奖 / Robert, Danish Film Academy Award, for short fiction, 2012. 2012鹿特丹国际电影节 / International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2012. 2012塞萨尔书院全景放映计划,联合国教科文组织巴黎总部 / UNESCO House in Paris, the Cesar Academies Panorama Programme, 2012. 叶普龙德在2003年完成了他的长片处女作《耶路撒冷,我的爱》,这部电影在包括北欧全景电影节、台北金马影展和莱比锡电影节在内的许多电影节上赢得了不少国际奖项。他的第二部长片《粗鲁男人帮》在丹麦赢得了极富盛名的罗伯特最佳纪录片奖,他本人也凭借这部电影在多伦多国际纪录片电影节上斩获最佳导演。去年,他拍摄了广受好评的系列纪录片《 Quatraro之谜》,讲述了一个欧盟公务员离奇死去的故事。除了导演和拍摄他自己的纪录片之外,叶普龙德也是一名专业的音乐家。这为他带来了不少好处,他电影里的音乐就是由他自己作曲的。 Jeppe had his feature-length debut in 2003 with 'Jerusalem, My Love', which won international prizes at several film festivals, including Nordic Panorama, Taiwan IFF and Leipzig Festival. 'The Swenkas', Jeppe’s second feature-length film won a prestigious Robert Award in Denmark in 2005 for 'Best Feature Documentary' and Jeppe himself won a prize for 'Best International Director' at Hot Docs in Toronto. Last year he directed the critically acclaimed documentary series 'The Quatraro Mystery', about the mysterious death of an EU civil servant. Apart from directing and filming his own documentaries, Jeppe has also benefited from his professional career as a musician, and as a consequence has been able to compose the music to his films. 王明金于2005年完成了他的长片处女作《过眼云烟》,同年,这部电影在柏林电影节和罗迦诺国际电影节上映并大获成功。王明金的第二部电影《大象与海》(2007)在西班牙、意大利、韩国等地赢得了很多奖项,其中就有首尔数字电影节上的最佳导演奖和评审大奖。在2009年,他的电影《遗情》获得了鹿特丹休伯特巴尔斯基金会的大力支持。《虎厂》(2010)是他的最新力作,同时也是马来西亚电影史上排名前三的佳作。这部电影还成功地登上了国际上最著名的电影节之一——戛纳电影节的大银幕,在导演双周单元进行了首映。 Ming Jin completed his feature film debut 'Monday Morning Glory' in 2005. The same year was the film screened with a big success at both Berlin and Locarno International Film Festival. Ming Jin’s second film 'Elephant and the Sea' (2007) gained several awards in Spain, Italy and Korea, among others for Best Director and the Critic Prize at Cinema Digital Seoul Festival. In 2009 his film 'Woman on Fire Looks for Water' was supported by Hubert Balls Fund of Rotterdam FF. 'The Tiger Factory' (2010) is his latest film and is the third in the run of Malaysian film in the history, which has achieved to get screened at one of the biggest international Film Festivals, Cannes Film Festival, where it premiered at Director’s Fortnight.

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