猫眼电影 > 智利罐头


Chile puede
喜剧 / 科幻
2008-01-03智利上映 / 85分钟

这片实在是很搞。。。智利人要坐飞船登上月球会怎样?最后飞船居然拐弯从半空中落到安第斯山区里。。。挺搞笑的,喜剧笑料还不错,不过故事的确比较烂。3.5/5 The businessman who sends the first Chilean astronaut into outer space can't quite come up with the money to bring the adventurer back. Ricardo Larrain was born in 1957. After studying communication at the Catholic University of Chile he obtained a degree in art directing.He started in film by working on short films and short animation films such as "La Hoja del Sereno" (1979). He directed more than 600 advertising films between 1980 and 1999 for the United States, Chile, Mexico and other Central American countries.In 1991he signed his first feature film "La Frontera" (with the support of Tous les Films), an intimist and personal film which won many prizes in different festivals, including the Silver Bear in Berlin in 1992. He also directed two social and historical documentaries on Chile, "Pasos de Baile" (1997) and "Vida de Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez" (1997). "El Entusiasmo" is his second feature film.

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