猫眼电影 > 冬日流浪者


1895-11-01 00:05德国上映 / 7分钟

On 1 November 1895, the brothers Max and Emil Skladanowsky presented their pioneer film work and legendary Bioscop program in Berlin's Wintergarten Theater. With live musical accompaniment, the compilation program included short film sequences with famous artists of the time: Italienischer Bauerntanz, Komisches Reck, Der Jongleur, Das boxende Kaenguruh, Kamarinskaja, Die Serpentintaenzerin, Akrobatisches Potpourri, Ringkampf, and Apotheose, with the Skladanowsky brothers bowing to their audience. Max Skladanowsky was born in 1863 and died in 1939 in Berlin. A film pioneer, he experimented in photography together with his father Carl and brother Emil. In 1892, he constructed a camera that could capture moving images. In 1895, he introduced the Bioscop double projector, followed by another new camera and single projector in 1896. He started his own business, Berliner Camerawerk, and later the production and distribution company Projektion fuer alle in 1897, hoping to successfully commercialize his early cinematic inventions, however the growing competition from the rapidly developing film industry led to the ruin of his small company. However, his unsurpassed significance as inventor of Germany's first film camera and projector and his historical contributions to the entire film industry remain. His other films include, among others: WINTERGARTENPROGRAMM (1895), NICHT MEHR ALLEIN (1896), AM BOLLWERK IN STETTIN (1897), EINE FLIEGENJADG ODER DIE RACHE DER FRAU SCHULTZE (1913), DIE MODERNE JUNGFRAU VON ORLEANS (1914), and DIE ERFINDUNG DER KINEMATOGRAPHIE IM JAHR 1895 IN BERLIN (1927).

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