猫眼电影 > 凯琳与咨询师


Karin och kuratorn
2014-01-25瑞典上映 / 27分钟

凯琳的丈夫去世后,她完全崩溃了。不得以,只有求助于心理医生一点点克服自己的心里问题,重新找回自我。多年来,凯琳一直是一位家庭主妇,但现在她面临着一场认同危机。她丈夫生前是在村子里受人爱戴的牧师,她常常问自己,是否应该继承丈夫的遗业。这段艰难的心路历程,她一点点剥下家庭主妇的外壳,最终,凯琳发现了深藏在内心的另一个自己。 After the death of Karin’s husband, she searches for a counselor to not only receive help with practical matters, but also to find herself again. As Karin has been a housewife over the years, she now faces an identity crisis. Her husband was a priest and very admired in the village. Perhaps it is Karin’s turn to take over in his place? Through her journey, Karin explores sides of herself previously kept hidden behind the exterior of a priest’s wife.

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