猫眼电影 > 整型行不行


Beperkt Houdbaar
2007-03-05荷兰上映 / 55分钟

35岁,是女人最终的保鲜期?我美丽,所以我存在?割双眼皮、隆鼻削骨、抽指隆乳、打肉毒杆菌甚至重建阴道……,为了达到社会潮流的审美标准、为了取悦男人、为了莫名的焦虑与不安全感,我们统统需要去整型?!本片幽默地从‘年纪’着手,一步步戳破美丽神话背后的黑暗现实。片中真实记录LA当红的阴道整型现况,美丽竟变得如此沉重。 Many women are confronted with a young, slim and tight beauty ideal and worry a great deal if they can't live up to that image. Sunny Bergman asks in whose interest it is for her and other women to have these concerns, what's at stake, what's to gain and what's to lose. In this film, Bergman looks for the cause, the effects, and possible solutions for the Western preoccupation with our image.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900