猫眼电影 > 法尔科内大法官


Giovanni Falcone, l'uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra

反黑手党检察官乔万尼·法尔科内因搜查冻结巴勒莫政要名人的银行记录而激怒了黑手党。他前往纽约进行调查,并获得地方检察官鲁道夫·乔尼纳的积极协助,终于使一名黑手党首领招供,几百桩案件尘埃落定。回到罗马后,法尔科内决定与他深爱的弗朗切斯卡结婚。回西西里途中,两人正打算踏上推迟已久的蜜月之旅,一颗埋藏在公路下的炸弹夺去了两人的生命。 Mafia Prosecutor Giovanni Falcone rubs Palermo's elite the wrong way by seizing and searching bank records. He travels to New York, where he receives precious assistance from District Attorney Rudolph Giuliani. The confessions of a leading boss result in hundreds of convictions. Transferred to Rome, Falcone decides he can finally marry his beloved Francesca. But on their return to Sicily, while driving towards their much delayed honeymoon, a bomb planted beneath the highway kills them. 本片参加2007年第13届上海电视节白玉兰奖评选,入选最佳电视电影、电视电影类最佳男演员奖项。

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