猫眼电影 > The Littlest Rebel
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The Littlest Rebel


Herbert Carey discharges the Dudley brothers, Joe and Jim, from their positions as overseers on his plantation and thereby incurs their enmity. War is declared and Carey, after bidding his wife and daughter Virgie farewell, joins the Southern forces, the Dudleys joining the Northern. The spring of '61 finds Carey, the most dangerous and daring of Confederate scouts. The Dudleys are under the command of Colonel Morrison, a dashing, chivalrous young Northern officer. Grant closes in on Richmond and orders Morrison to capture Carey. Morrison takes a small detachment of troops, including Jim Dudley, and going to the Carey homestead, searches it. Dudley, seeing a chance for revenge, fires the house, but in endeavoring to escape is shot and killed by Morrison, who has discovered his treachery. With the house in ruins and penniless, Mrs. Carey and Virgie finally seek shelter in the deserted cabin of their former overseers. Mrs. Carey sinks down and finally dies.

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