猫眼电影 > 幸运路易


Lucky Louie
电视剧 / 喜剧
2006-06-11美国开播 / 30分钟
IMDb 7.8

HBO's Sunday night programming has always contained comedies. Particularly comedies of a more “rude“ nature. Have any of you heard of Sex in the City, Curb Your Enthusiasm, or even Entourage? Lucky Louie fits in nicely with HBO's other current adult orientated comedies like Extras, Entourage, and Curb. Where's the problem with adding a new comedy to that line up, particularly one that is out of the traditional HBO mold? All in the Family was the most controversial show of the 1970's. Never before had a situation comedy brought Americans face-to-face with each other, utilizing controversial themes such as sexuality and race relations to comprise story lines. The are no new stories in TV or movies only new versions. This is Just good, funny TV. Does this has the making of great TV, maybe , maybe not? Should TV always be ground breaking or should we be able to laugh at someone who has it rougher than we do?“幸运路易”,由艾美奖得主、剧作家Louis C.K.创作,本片主要描述了一对中产阶级夫妇和他们的孩子的日常生活。Louis C.K.将在片中饰演父亲一职。担任本剧的监制的除他以外,还有他的艺术总监Dave Becky。本剧能否被观众所接受关系到Louis C.K.以及HBO电视台未来的发展。这也是HBO电视台第一次进军传统的情景剧。


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