猫眼电影 > 魔王的司机


The Devil's Drivers
2021-09-12加拿大上映 / 90分钟

两名贝都因表兄弟以偷运巴勒斯坦黑工至以色列境内为生。在长达五年的拍摄中,导演们不仅坐着“人贩子们”的吉普车,一路躲避以军追踪,穿过严防死守的边境线,同时还记录了他们与家人相聚的亲密时光。In the southern West Bank, Hamouda and his cousin Ismail are amongthe Bedouin drivers who risk their lives smuggling illegal workers over the border.Between them and the destination, there is the desert - of which they know everyinch - and the heavy presence of the Israeli military patrols. If they are caught,they go to jail. Yet only those fares can help them provide for their families, sothey keep on driving and enjoying each day of freedom as it might just be the last.

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