猫眼电影 > 自然世界:解密鹦鹉


Parrot Confidential
2013-11-13美国上映 / 54分钟
IMDb 8.2

Exotic beauty, outrageous intelligence, and remarkably advanced language skills have made parrots one of the world's most popular pets. But unlike dogs and cats, parrots have not been domesticated. Their hard-wired ear-shattering squawks, and unpredictable behavior are designed for the rainforest, not for captivity. An intense need to bond, complex emotional lives, and the ability to reach ages of up to 80 or 90 years complicate the equation further. Sooner or later, many owners come to the conclusion that they have taken on a more difficult challenge than they can handle, and turn to already overcrowded shelters and sanctuaries for help. From the wilds of Costa Rica to the suburbs of our own country, parrot owners, rescuers, breeders, and biologists involved in conservation programs share their stories and the stories of their parrots in this bittersweet and unforgettable film about the difficulties and consequences of keeping and caring for parrots as pets.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900