猫眼电影 > Der-treue-Roy


电视剧 / 犯罪 / 剧情 / 悬疑
2016-04-24德国开播 / 89分钟

The remains of employee Roy Weischlitz are found in the blast furnace slag of a steel mill in the tranquil city of Weimar where he worked. Inspectors Kira Dorn and Lessing quickly rule out suicide as the cause of death. Roy lived together with his sister Siegrid, who, as is established by the inspectors, hated her brother. Siegrid holds Roy responsible for the destruction of her life's happiness with her ex-fiancée Karsten aka Flamingo. It was Roy's fault that Karsten lost a leg and earned his nickname. Flamingo works at the mill and becomes a suspect, as well as his shady buddy Karsten, who has a criminal record of his own. When the inspectors learn that Franks girlfriend Irina lead Roy to believe he was the love of her life in order to get to his money, the events quickly pile up.

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