猫眼电影 > 阿德里安不是阿奇尔


Adrian ist nicht Achill
2019-01-16德国上映 / 80分钟

阿德里安·塞莫蒂自从剧院女演员弗洛丽娜分居以来,一直生活在他日常生活中。 有一天,弗洛里娜宣布自己把他送给她的礼物寄回来。 新认识和家庭争吵都不能分散他的注意力。试图绕开关系的最后一端,分离的夫妻关系最后一次发炎。 一段似乎与日常生活格格不入的关系的写照。吸引力和拒绝,欲望和轻蔑紧密地联系在一起。 位于一个南德小镇的风景如画的场景中,索菲亚席勒的导演处女作为主人公的情感生活提供了一个内在的东西。她的观点总是针对人际关系的复杂性。 Adrian Semoti lives in the constant laps of his daily life since the separation of theatre actress Florina. One day Florina announces herself by sending back what he once gave her as a present. Neither new acquaintance nor family squabbling can distract him. The attempt to circumnavigate the final end of the relation, the separating couples bond inflames for the last time. A portrait of a relationship which seems not to be compatible with daily life. Attraction and rejection, desire and contempt lie close together. Located in the picturesque setting of a south German town Sophia Schillers directing debut provides an inside into the emotional life of her protagonists. Her view is always directed at the complexity of interhuman relationships.

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