猫眼电影 > Chitrokar



The creative eye goes deeper than the mechanics of eyesight. Blind painter Bijon Bose spent much of his life inspiring students by bringing stories to life through his paintings and idealism. His life is interrupted by a proposal to create a mural for an exclusive restaurant in the city of Kolkata, a journey that brings young strong-minded painter Tithi into his life. Their relationship unfolds through the lines of the mural, as they struggle between generations and life philosophies. Bijan's once clear lines of artistic integrity are troubled by Tithi's realism, as he grapples with his role and responsibility towards the life of his work beyond the brush.Bijon's blindness never stopped him from creating beauty. And now he is asked to see the world around him more clearly than ever before. For whom does a painter paint? For those who can pay? When a mural and the painter that created it start being a commodity? Chitrakar presents this tension between Art & Market.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900