猫眼电影 > 移忘


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2014-09中国台湾上映 / 14分钟

2015 韓國板門店紀錄片影展DMZ Docs, South Korea/ Official Selection: 亞洲競賽 Asia Competition 2015 馬來西亞自由影展FreedomFilmFest, Malaysia/ Official Selection: 國際競賽 International Competition Synopsis From here to there, the familiar takes on the prefix ‘un’: both for the people that live in alien cities and for the transient observer, travelling through it. The lens of experience refracts aspiration, until the next snapshot of observation affixes personhood. In between these lightning strikes of awareness is the transition. The Comfort in Forgetting documents the toll moving takes on memory: set in Malaysia, lost in transition, documents the lives, work and history of four ethnically distinct people; children of immigrants and transients: it is a rendition of that transition; the transition that is the dark, transmuting unconscious of becoming. 電影本事 一段沒有開始與結束、沒有地名的旅行;故事循著四位藝術家講述自己家族的移民歷史開始,他們的聲音交錯呈現他們對創作、生活、搬家、自我認同、國家定位等各自不同的想法,利用多種層次的畫面,顯現出在不同時空中,所匯聚而成的情感。 本片所有拍攝「移動」中的地點,皆無地名字卡,且大量使用地圖的影像(傳達一種熟悉經驗-在旅行中閱讀地圖),旨在表達對於一個地點的記憶之個人化與特殊化,不一定能單單透過地名與觀眾溝通交流,並破除觀眾可能依循著旅行路徑,尋找影像邏輯的可能性;讓整個影片更專注在「移動」中所「遺忘」的記憶。

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