猫眼电影 > Secrets of Archaeology
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Secrets of Archaeology

2014-01-01美国开播 / 25分钟
IMDb 8.1

1 Pompeii A City Rediscovered 2 Glorious Rome Capital of an Empire 3 Pyramids Designed for Eternity 4 A Place Called Etruria 5 Athens Western Splendor 6 The Cities of the Pharaohs 7 Egypt According to Cleopatra 8 Greek Cities in Italy 9 The Pyramids of the Sun 10 The Roads to El Dorado 11 The Lost Cities of the Maya 12 The Forgotten Civilizations of Anatolia 13 Travels through Greece 14 The Ports of the Desert 15 Sailing with the Phoenicians 16 The Roman Empire in Africa 17 Ancient Cities Bordering on Latium 18 Retracing the Tracks of Hannibal 19 Roman Imprint on the West 20 At the Court of the King of Kings 21 Cities of the Sea and Wind 22 Secrets of the Island of Minos 23 The Fabulous Centers of Hellenism 24 Visit of the Sanctuaries of Apollo 25 Sicily Greek Legacy in the West 26 Ancient Itinerary in Ionia 27 Mycenaeans the Civilization of Heroes

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