猫眼电影 > Chief Halftown
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Chief Halftown

电视剧 / 家庭
1951美国开播 / 30分钟
IMDb 8.5

The CHIEF HALFTOWN SHOW was Philadelphia's longest running show for kids. The show first aired on WFIL in 1951 and then WPVI where it ran until 1999. The Chief would appear in full Indian garb and discuss tribal customs and folklore, as well as feature entertainers of all diversities during his 1/2 hour show. His classic trademark catchphrase was (phonetically) "Eeees dah-sah-suss-a-way" which according to the Chief's friend Sally Starr, a fellow children's show host in Philadelphia, means "Let's get started."

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900