猫眼电影 > Secret Dealers
Secret Dealers海报封面图

Secret Dealers

综艺 / 真人秀
IMDb 7.2

The shows are recorded with members of the public in their homes. Homeowners have to choose between sentimental attachment and money offers for their possessions. Three antiques dealers go into their homes to bid for items they want to buy. Independent valuers put an estimate on how much they think the items are worth. This figure is revealed to the seller and the audience at home. Items are found by the dealers, who make their own valuation and try to purchase them by placing a cash offer on items around the home and give some advice or information on the Antiques. The bids are left in sealed envelopes next to the desired items and the offers are kept secret from fellow dealers until the homeowners opens them. Dealers are allowed to revise their offers up either by placing a new sealed bid next to the item or upping their bid when the homeowners sees their offer. The seller then decides whether to accept or decline the deal.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900