猫眼电影 > Dangerous Pleasure
Dangerous Pleasure海报封面图

Dangerous Pleasure


This story deals with a man, who causes his wife great jealousy on account of his relation to other women, yet who regards himself as a man of destiny in settling others unhappy marital relations. He is named co-respondent in a suit - leaves town - takes a house in a smaller village - picks up a little girl on the street in his car and drives into the country. She leaves his car and walks home. He meets a beautiful woman whose husband, unjustly jealous of her is hiring men to 'get something on her.' He sends for his own wife to come and frame this man. The wife, posing as an agent for beauty preparations, vamps the man and makes an appointment with him. While they are at supper his car is tampered with. He and the woman come out - he very drunk or drugged - and get into the car. There is a long struggle in which the woman is badly bruised. The man becomes unconscious and the car is wrecked. He awakens in a hut with a broken arm and is led to believe that he has killed the girl. Then a...

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